
Based on 309 reviews
Multi-flex Strap
Barry (Australia)
Incredibly Versatile & High Quality

I’ve been using the multi flex strap regularly, and it’s been a huge help for improving my ankle mobility and strengthening my tibs and hip flexors. I didn’t realise how much I was neglecting certain muscles until I started using this. The difference in stability and control has been huge. As with all The Tib Tool products, the quality is 2nd to none. Super durable, well built and affordable. I definitely recommend using the multi strap for lower body training, you won’t regret getting one of these. Also great to take travelling for quick workouts.

Multi-flex Tib Bar
Mark V. (Australia)
Multi flex tib bar

Really cool piece of equipment that I came across through one of their emails. Made out of strong materials and what makes it different to anything else is the ability to add weight on the sides of the feet for exercises like hip flexor raises. I saw a review saying they didn’t like the foot straps, but I’ve had no issues. Just tighten the crossing strap on top of your foot, and it holds perfectly. It keeps my foot secure and works great for my workouts. Worth the investment!

Nordic Bench Mini™
Arthur (Australia)
Transformed my hamstring workouts

I recently purchased the nordic bench, and it has quickly become my favourite part of my workout routine. This well built and durable bench is perfect for Nordic curls and has stood up to heavy use since I got it. Ive also found its great for one-leg split squats, hip thrusts, decline/incline pushups. It is really versatile so Im sure there are plenty of other exercises you can do with the bench. After receiving a recommendation from my physical therapist to strengthen my hamstrings, I started using the nordic bench a few weeks ago, and I can already see progress. The quality exceeded my expectations, and the assembly was straightforward. This bench is worth every penny.

Nordic Bench Mini™
Emma (Australia)
The Best Nordic Bench

Essential for training nordics. The strong and comfortable build of the bench makes doing nordics much more enjoyable and fun rather than just using a nordic bar. Premium materials were also used to make this beast. It is a great investment for anyone wanting to train their hamstrings in a new way, instead of purely relying on deadlifts at the gym. My leg strength has gotten considerably better over the last month of consistent training of Nordics. My family also likes to use the bench for situps. The practicality of being able to use at home was another reason I decided to invest in this Nordic bench.

Nordic Bench Mini™
Nathaniel (Australia)
Must have for training hamstrings

This Nordic Bench Mini is a must-have for my hamstring workouts! As someone who is always looking for ways to prevent injury and strengthen my body, the Nordic bench has quicly become a staple in my routine. The design is really well made every part fits perfectly together & includes easy to follow instructions. Its easy to see that no corners were cut in the production of this bench, I especially like the ankle padding and the ability to change the ankle lock height. The wheels on the front of the Nordic Bench make it easy to move around. Super solid when using so you feel safe when doing Nordic curls.

Nordic Bench Mini™
Tony (Australia)
Best addition to my home gym

I absolutely love this Nordic Bench for my home gym, it has become an essential tool Ive been using to strengthen my glutes and hamstrings. The build quality is outstanding, extremely solid for when Im doing explosive hamstring curls. For the days I focus on slow and controlled reps, the knee and ankle padding on the bench is really comfortable, even during longer sessions. If you are using the Nordic bar bench at home it is really easy to move around to suit a small space. I also follow the ATG workouts so this is really a game changer for my mobility. Really great price point, very affordable compared to other Nordic benches on the market.

Nordic Bench Mini™
William S. (Australia)
Built sturdy and small floor space.

Very happy with my Nordic Bench Mini, which is easy to move around and takes up only small floor space. It is built well, with the metal structure strong steel and the padding comfortable and appears hard wearing.

No instructions included to build it, but it is rather straight forward just by having a look at some product pictures.

This is my first time trying Nordics, and they feel fantastic for the hamstrings and happy to be regularly including them. Much more contraction than Glute Ham Raises.

Attached photo of it tucked between my stall bars, of which I currently use bands and a belt-squat harness under arm pits to reduce the load. A sled-dragging harness can also work very well.

Multi-flex Tib Bar
David v.Z. (Australia)
Top Tier Tib Bar

This Multi Flex is really a new staple in my training at home. I've been using it to really strengthen my ankles due to multiple ankle sprains from playing sport. The original Tib Bar really helped with this, but the multi flex has allowed me to train the full range of motion. In particular the ability to do full rotational circles has drastically improved how stable I feel when running. This is my 4th purchase from these guys and they have not disappointed! 10/10

Nordic Bench Mini™
Boris (Australia)
Hamstring Workout Machine for a strong lower body

The Nordic Bench Mini is a great addition to my garage gym, easy to setup and use weekly. The bench is extremely sturdy for training Nordics and also for performing sit ups. I was able to get better at Nordic curls by using a yoga ball while focusing on eccentric reps (on the way down). Really targets the hamstring muscles like no other. Great space saver at home as I can store it vertically when I am finished with training. Definitely recommend buying if you are after the best lower body workout.

Multi-flex Tib Bar
JAMIE D.A. (Australia)
Amazing product!

Such a well built piece of equipment with no issue of having to worry about weights falling off, as clips are great too! Awesome tool when looking to isolate the muscles of the hip and a must for me and my training! HIGHLY recommend 🔥

Nordic Bench Mini™
Nick (Australia)
Great Quality Nordic Bench

Let me begin by saying that Ive had bad knees for a long time and adding Nordic curls to my weekly gym schedule has made a huge difference to reducing my pain and making my legs much stronger. If you suffer from knee pain or any lower body weakness I definitely recommend adding Nordic training with the Nordic bench mini. It is great to use at home as it doesnt take up too much room and when I am finished with a workout I can store it vertically or horizontally so that it is out of the way. This Nordic Bench is built to last with high quality welds and high quality materials. The adjustable ankle rollers are great to ensure you feel like you are attached to the bench when doing the Nordics. If you have ever trained hamstrings you can definitely tell the difference from performing machine curls versus Nordic curls. Nordics most definitely engage the hamstrings in a way that is not possible with a machine a huge difference. Easy to put together with very clear instructions. As someone who is 80kg I dont require any weight plates on the back but it is nice to know that I can add weight plates with the adjustable sleeve. And if you want even more stability the back legs have 2 holes that can be used to screw into the floor to stop any movement.

Tib Tool™ Olympic
Barry (Australia)
Tib Bar Training for Tib Gains

Fantastic piece of equipment that I have been incorporating into my Knees Over Toes Training Program. Like with other Tib Tool products that I have bought, the quality is 2nd to none. It is made out of super strong steel and has thick padding for your feet. I like that they include extra thick foam for when I train at home barefoot. They include a strong clamp that can hold more than you will ever need for tib training. It is also easy to take to the gym as it has a detachable weight shaft. If you have any knee pain or shin splints, I definitely recommend including tibialis exercises into your weekly programming.

Nordic Bench Mini™
Max (Australia)
Top Quality Nordic Bench for Strong Hamstrings

This Nordic Bench Mini is great for weekly training and something I have been using for the last month in my ATG programming. I already found great benefits from using the tib bar and thought I might try out hamstring curls. Im really impressed with the quality of the Nordic Bench considering it is such a good price & performs much better than other more bulky Nordic Benches. The addition of the weight plate bar for counter balance is a smart feature so you can perform Nordic Curls safely at home. Another great feature is that the Bench includes a 25mm & 50mm adjustable shaft and this is great at my home gym where I use the 25mm weight plates. The Bench itself is solid as a rock, made out of strong steel. The ankle rollers to lock in your feet are super comfortable whilst also ensuring you are locked into position for doing the Nordic curl. The knob at the end of the bench allows you to adjust the height of the rollers so you can change it depending on your height. The quality is top tier on this Nordic Bench and includes instructions for assembly that only takes a couple of minutes. Nordic hamstring curls can be a difficult exercise to do but you can attach an exercise band to make them easier. I have definitely seen an improvement in my lower body strength when running or playing basketball. Highly recommend.

Tib Tool™ Olympic
Benjamin H. (Australia)
Awesome tib bar! ESPECIALLY for people not training in shoes. I use my tib bar a little differently.

This tib bar is fantastic. Really nicely constructed, the welds are visually nice, the sleeve screws on and off (something I didn't know when I bought it, and is a nice and grippy finish), and the thick padding is AWESOME and super comfortable to use without shoes (the spacing with the thick pads is also just right for me). I'm really happy with it. I highly recommend buying this one, or DEFINITELY this one if you don't train with shoes on (no other tib bar that I could find, has awesome thick padding like this).

The provided lock-jaw-style collar (at least the one that I personally received) isn't the tightest of collars. It can handle 5kg well, but it will slide a bit with 10kg when upside down in-use (I still use it as a spacer, though, as seen in the pictures, and I have other collars).

I personally prefer to use the tib tool flipped upside down (the rest of the review is just me talking about that in case anyone wants to try it).

I like to do all my training with a focus on the muscles being in the lengthened position, and the lift being the hardest at the start of the concentric, so using it flipped is perfect for that. Feel that stretch for 2 seconds, explode out, don't bother holding the top, and then reasonably-slowly lower back down into that stretch and hold it again for a good 2 seconds.

Flipped is much smoother of a motion. The intended way has the weight like, flop down, all soft and soggy in a way lol, because there's not as much relative weight in that bottom-end position, compared to when it's flipped. When it's flipped, the weight at the bottom of the ROM is at it's greatest, relative to the muscle being worked, so it really brings your feet fully into plantarflexion immediately, with a solid stop to the range of motion. Much more definitive and solid-feeling with where the bottom and top of the lift is.

The top of the motion is far better too, for how I like to train. With the intended way, for me it shifts on my feet at the top of the motion only when done the intended way. I think this is because with the intended way, the load feels much lighter at the bottom of the lift, and so you end up blasting through the heavy top-part of the lift with momentum, and then that momentum shifts the tib bar on the top of my feet. Compared to the flipped way, where the heavy part is at the bottom, which slows you down, taking away all that excessive momentum. Which is another interesting thing... I don't want momentum to make it easier at whatever the hardest part is.

Also the flipped way being much lighter at the top is far nicer for me, since that is where I naturally want to rest, before going back down into that stretched position where it's the hardest, so it's a big perk. Like when standing up straight in a squat, or Romanian deadlift, before going back down.
I don't even hold the top anyway, I just get right back to the real stimulus (remembering to really control that eccentric and hold the bottom stretched position).

Some other things I noticed is that with flipped, if you're using big Olympic plates, the end of the feet will be in the way. A way to perfectly get around this is to put on a collar (on the sleeve, not you), and THEN put on the weight plate (and then another collar, though the plate will stay on by itself when flipped, which is cool, but it might scratch and stuff). This also makes the leverage harder, so you can get more out of using less weight, which is fun. I even tried using 3 collars, which works great, and there's room for 4 lol.

Another thing is that when flipped, there's now far more floor clearance, since the loading sleeve is parallel to the ground when in the lowest position, compared to the intended way where if your straight legs are on a bit of a downwards angle, the loading sleeve could even be facing almost directly down, with the weights completely relying on the collar to stay on (could use 2 collars there, too). But yea, less ground clearance with that loading sleeve orientation.

It is harder to get into it, since when flipped, the feet position is now up higher (when sitting it on the floor via the weight plate being on it's edge). But I found that you can just put one foot in place, but poke your big toe forwards more, so as it can touch the plate and stabilise everything, and then it's easy to get the other foot in place without needing the hands to hold the plate in place on it's edge.

When I used the tib bar the intended way, it felt kind of sloppy and annoying, but now it feels solid, and very fun.
Super happy with this product! it's awesome.

Squat Wedge
David v.Z. (Australia)
Awesome wedges for increased mobility

With multiple ankle sprains in the last couple of years, my mobility is not what it used to be. These wedges are awesome for those with similar problems as they allow you to train at different angles depending on your range of motion. Crucial step in repairing my ankle mobility for running. Super quick shipping too. 10/10

Nordic Bench Mini™
Digby G. (Australia)
Finely Crafted Tool for Hamstring Destruction

Very stoked with the Mini Nordic Bench. It is beautifully made. It is very sturdy with very high build quality. I can tell a great deal of thought has gone into the design of the bench. Even the instructions on how to put the bench together was extremely thorough and detail oriented.

My hamstrings have grown significantly over the last two months of use. Far more growth and stimulus than I have gotten from years of leg curl machine use at the gym.

I would love to find these benches in commercial gyms too. Hopefully they will become much more common

Tib Tool™ Olympic
JAMIE D.A. (Australia)
Nothing Better on the market

Have tried a few in the past and nothing compares. Solid build, easy to use and load, feels good on the feet PLUS it looks great. Wouldn't use anything else!

Tib Tool™ Olympic
Nick (Australia)
Great Quality Tib Bar

Like many others I found out about tib training through the work of Knees over toes guy. Ive had pain in my knees for years and suffered from shin splints. Let me tell you that I have finally found a step towards knee and shin recovery with this tib bar. Already after doing tib raises a couple of times per week my shin splints have drastically reduced and my legs are feeling stronger. If you have knee pain, I definitely recommend trying tib raises with the tib bar. In addition to tib raises I have also used the tib bar for seated hamstring curls and hanging ab raises. The clamp that holds the weights is super strong and they do not move when performing exercises. Also the tib bar has great clearance between where your ankles rest and the loading bar, works well for me and would be great with others who have a bigger shoe size. It is clear these guys have put a lot of effort into designing this tib bar with high quality welds and top tier materials. From what Ive seen a lot of other cheaper tib bars have problems with the materials they use and end up causing more problems for the user. Im happy I made the extra investment to ensure I can use the tib bar for years to come. The tib bar is great to use at home or take to the gym. Its actually detachable so it fits in my gym bag easily. The quality is 10/10 so you wont have any problems. The foam is super dense and they also include even thicker foam pads if you want to use without shoes.

Tib Tool™ Standard
Max (Australia)
GAME CHANGER for strength & shin splits

Super impressed with the quality of this tib bar. Definitely worth the price. After finding ATG training & Knees over toes guy on the web, I knew I had to get a tib bar to fix my shin splints. I had previously purchased a cheaper version but it is nowhere near the quality of this one. Great quality foam ankle support pads that look like they will last a long time, unlike the previous tib bar I bought. These ones are covered in vinyl so its not easily ripped. Not to mention, the metal clamp that comes with this tib bar is awesome! I havent seen any other 25mm/ 1 inch clamps that are made of steel, usually they are plastic and slip off the bar easily. This clamp is solid and holds the weights into place. The tib bar itself is super easy to put together since it only requires you to screw in the shaft and requires no tools to put together. Definitely a bonus so you dont have to worry about screws and lock nuts. Works great at my home gym where I use the smaller 25mm weight plates. The extra thick foam pads are awesome for when I want to train barefoot. My shin splints have almost completely gone and my lower body is feeling stable for the first time in a long time. It has quickly become one of my favourite pieces of equipment to use on a weekly basis. Highly recommend if you are looking for a solid tib bar for rehab or to build up strength.

The 360 Pull Sled™
Tony R. (Australia)
Ultimate Pull Sled

Such an innovation in the fitness world, I was sick of the bulky sleds when doing drags. Now I don’t have to turn the whole sled around and interrupt my workout. Has added another way to strengthen and reduce my ankle pain after years of running.

Nordic Bench Mini™
Dan B. (Australia)
Sturdy, compact & quality

This unit is built to a high standard. It’s one of the most sturdy pieces of equipment I own now. The range it puts your hamstrings through is unmatched for Nordic. The perfect height and product, well worth it

The 360 Pull Sled™
Mark V. (Australia)
The BEST at home Gym Sled

For someone who is always looking for more ways to train at home with minimal space, this 360 pull sled is exactly what I was looking for. My walkway at home is super narrow and the 360 degree rotating plate is awesome so I can do pulls without having to move the sled around as there is no space. Also slides great in my backyard. Definitely worth the investment!

The 360 Pull Sled™
JAMIE D.A. (Australia)
Nothing like it!

The swivel is a game change for this piece of equipment. The previous one I had, I had to flip it around every time I reached the end of the gym. This doesn’t happen now and also the base of the sled doesn’t scratch my gym
Floor! CANT NOT recommend this piece of equipment more!! A must!

Squat Wedge
JAMIE D.A. (Australia)
Best around

Problem I’ve found with other squat wedges I’ve used is they only come in one size. These ones have 3 different heights which you can adjust to your clients (or your) needs. Hard to find in any other product. Solid piece of equipment and one I use alot! Highly highly recommend looking into buying these!

Reverse Squat Strap
JAMIE D.A. (Australia)
Highest quality!

What a product and couldn’t recommend enough! Made really well and executing the reverse squat being so tightly strapped in the handles allows for maximal weight which is great! A must in any gym setting!